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Lupita and I in front of the monument of the Mexican revolution. They have a fountain with lights there in the night |
The last few weeks I've been to Chedraui a lot. I'm the one in charge of planning our food, and it has been really good. I've learned to cook manny delicious things, but it's also challenging at times when you have to plan food for 16 - 20 people for a week, which was what we had last week, and it was during our most busy time because of our event.
But I've made it through and from what i heard people liked the food they had. I feel i'm getting into a good rythm of cooking the food, so now i'm just looking for more inspiration of what to cook. It's best if it's something that is easy to scale to make for more than the 8 - 9 we normally are. So if you have any food ideas you can comment below :)
To do
Before i came to the base here in Mexico City i sometimes wondered what we would be doing, or if we would have enough to do as a base. This fear of having nothing to do today is completely gone.
We keep meeting new people and running into opportunities of things to do, we recently started a new thing where Alejandro from the base is going 2 times a week to teach values to former addicts, so we will be taking turns on going with him to this place. I haven't been with him yet, but from what i hear it's a good opportunity because all of them are there by their own free will, so they are really interested in learning.
Also a few days ago we were invited to a company that print magazines. It's owned by a christian that we came in contact with through the conference last week. The company have 140 employ's that mainly consists of single mothers because the owner has a heart to help them. From talking with the owner we understood that they are going through a hard time economically, with them, as he explained, just being caught in unfortunate circumstances. The business seemed really well driven, but they are now fighting to survive. We didn't really know how we could help them, but we have offered to come to them some times and talk with their employs about values, and we pay that we can in some way have a good influence in things so that the owner can continue with this ministry of helping single mothers through his business.
Lupita's little brother
Someone praying for a little boy during our event. I spend a lot of time in another room from where i could control the powerpoint. |
Event - Mas Alla de Tí
Last week we had our event. It was a really good experience and things went well. For the future we were thinking we would like more people there, but i'm still impressed that we had 100+ young Mexicans Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10 in the morning to 18 in the evening. Lupita and I held a seminar about worldview and it went well, the first day our seminar were filmed by some guys from a Mexican christian TV station, and later i was interviewed too as one of the pictures show.
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Here the interview with a nice guy called Alfredo, he has his own show on the TV channel. |
I think the thing that moved me most was when one of the girls told about her first day in Merced (maket)(a place i've been several times, and seen the girls by the side of the road) and told about how she was sold for sex form 8 AM in the morning to 10 PM in the night, and sharing how it was the most horrible she had ever experienced in her life.
Now both girls met Christ and it had changed their lives so now they were sharing their stories to help other girls who are still in slavery, and help change the mentality of "prostitution" in Mexico.
Seeing these girls has really made me think about how we sometimes just close our eyes to suffering in the world. How it's easier to distance us to things when they are not happening in our own countries.
The hardest thing of this is that these girls they don't need our empathy, that won't comfort them in their hell.
Our tears, if they are not followed up by action, only becomes testimonies of our western culture's self centered search for emotional stimulation. It's like in television shows where we turn other peoples suffering into entertaining emotional roller-coaster rides. It's about me feeling empathy for the suffering people, not about the suffering people, and don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to blame everyone else, it's a big part of me too. It's a fight of putting yourself in the background and others in front. It's a fight of doing what we as Christians are called to, to die to ourselves. These girls need people to take action, and we as Christians are called to do just that, and then it doesn't matter in whatever form that action looks, as long as it brings us further than just tears.
Those were my serious thoughts for this week, now i almost feel as a hypocrite for the following pictures, but life always goes on, our challenge is not to forget!
Hej Lars!
ReplyDeleteGodt blogindlæg. Det er spændene at høre om dit liv derovre på den anden side af atlanten.
Menneskehandel er virkelig helt forfærdeligt. Det rørte mig at læse om det. Kan også godt lide din kommentar, om at det ikke er nok, bare at føle medlidenhed. Det er virkelig sandt. Vi kan let bilde os ind, at vi er gode kristne, fordi vi har de rigtige holdninger og har ondt af folk der har det svært, men uden at vi handler, så er vi ikke lydige mod Guds vilje.
Jeg vil i øvrigt gerne støtte Paul, så jeg har overført 300 kr til din konto.
Ses før eller siden:)
Tak Emil :) og tak for donationen til Paul, har opdateret statusen i siden af min blog. Forresten, jeg har fået købt en stol for din første donation, skal nok lige få skrevet dig som den gavmilde donor og sende dig et billede her eller på facebook..
ReplyDeleteHej onkel Erik, tror du er kommet til at slette din kommentar, ellers er der sket en fejl her på siden, men fik besked om den over mail, så her er den:
ReplyDeleteHej Lars.
Tak for din levende skildring. Er det muligt for Jer at lave et projekt, der kan få pigerne ud af slaveriet ved hjælp af donationer? Jeg hører lige i radioen, at APPLE har haft et kanon overskud - måske de ville donere nogle få milioner, hvis de blev præsenteret for et seriøst projekt!
STORT TILLYKKE til Lupita - hvordan lever hun nu?
Jeg kan ikke hjælpe så meget økonomisk, men jeg kan få børnene til at bede for Jer og Jeres arbejde.
Med kærlig hilsen til Jer begge to.
Det er desværre et meget svært arbejde at få pigerne ud af det. Specielt fordi de mange gange er overvåget af alfonser, og mange gange med de virkelig slemme tilfælde foregår det i skjul på hoteller. Vi har engang i mellem hvor vi går ud og snakker med dem (vores piger snakker mens vi andre holder os i baggrunden), men det er meget svært at få dem i snak og være ærlige da de er meget bange for hvad der kan ske da de jo er overvågede.
Vi har også delt nogle flyers ud samt sat plakater op i områderne, men lige for tiden er det ikke vores fokus som skole da vi har mange andre ting vi er igang med og forbereder.
Heldigvis er der gode mexicanske organisationer der arbejder for at få pigerne fri, og synes også godt at apple kunne slippe et par millioner, de har jo nok af dem.