Elvis Presley sang: "Home is where the heart is"
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Here i'm playing football with Alejandro and some kids from the street, our friend Daniel who wasn't that much into football was sitting and talking with some other street kids. |
I know my heart is right here in Mexico with an amazing Mexican girl, so I know i'm home, although i still miss my other home (Denmark) a bit :) but i'm thankful that i get to stay here in her country and learn more of her culture and language, with amazing people and t-shirt/shorts weather almost every day :)
I have a plane ticket back to Denmark the 17th of April (booked it for return after 3 months because it was a really cheap offer), and I've been thinking if i should take it for a short visit home, but I've decided to not do it. One thing is that i don't want to leave Lupita again, we have had enough time apart. The second is that it is too expensive for me at the moment, and then there is more than enough for me to do here in the new YWAM school. So I've decided to let the plane leave without me.
This means that it will probably be some time before i return to Denmark, (that is if i get my FM3 visa that i need after 6 months here). But it's ok, especially because my parents are trying to plan a visit US here in Mexico.
So all in all I'm still doing great here in Mexico and i really enjoy it. The only thing is that Lupita has been fighting some sickness. We think that maybe it gastritis (as some doctors have said, and something that isn't that uncommon in Mexico) and we hope it's nothing more serious, but it's hard when every doctor gives us a new explanation of what is wrong, and prescribes medicine like it was candy. But we would really appreciate your prayers for her so that she can get better because she has been fighting this for a long time, and it's taking a lot of her energy, especially with our big event coming up (12th - 14th of april) where she is planning a lot.
So aside from that some other things has been happening since my last post, here are a few of them. oh, and we had an earthquake yesterday, the strongest since the really strong one 2 weeks ago.
Weekend with church
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Here i'm giving my message with Alejandro translating, it's still too hard for me to do teaching in Spanish, but i'm sure it will come one day :) |
Not this weekend, but the one before that we went to a weekend camp by a church we have some connections with. They had invited us to come and spend some time with the youth, and also give some teachings. Lupita was supposed to give a teaching, but when she stayed home because she was sick i had to take over the teaching. I talked about how we as humans are in a battle between the flesh and the spirit as Paul writes, and what we do with that battle.
A lot of Mexicans have this western lifestyle as their dream, so i also addressed that dream which a lot of times lead to the lie that money creates happiness or a better country. In the end what really creates a better country are the things like respect for human life, respect for the law, and love between people. I talked about how that they shouldn't strive to be like the west, they should strive after those things, and they don't automatically come with money.
Pastors breakfast
Lupita talking about YWAM and thier schools at the pastors breakfast. |
Last Saturday we had a breakfast at a Christian cafe for pastors. This breakfast was to tell them about us as YWAM here in the city and also a chance to spread the word of our conference in the middle of April. We had invited 50 pastors, and around 25 showed up. It was a good morning where we told a little about who we are and encouraged them to work together with each other. We also made clear that we aren't trying to steal their youth and that we're just here to support them in their work as churches.
Lupita's little brother
Lupita's little brother
As i wrote shortly in my last post we're trying to send Lupita's little brother (15 years) to Mazatlan this summer for a "Verano de Fuego" (a 1 month mini DTS). The thing is that he moved with his mom and dad to Mexico City to live with his older brother and his family a few months ago. This meant that he hasn't been to school since because he failed one of his exams to continue to high school, and the next chance he gets is in August. So for the past few months he has been staying at home away from all his friends 12 hours away in Chiapas.
This has been really hard for him, and we're also a bit worried about him because he is the type who makes new friends really easy, and he is in a age where he is really influenced from the people around him (he had some not so good types of friends in Chiapas) so we really want him to find good friends, and not people who are an bad influence on him. He says he believe in God, but it isn't very personal and with the age he is in everything is new and tempting..
We went visitng some friends from another organisation who did an event called "Invasion" in Mexico City. An event we worked together with them when they did it in Maz |
So we were thinking that it would be great if he could spend a month in Mazatlan and get some good influence. The mini DTS costs 4000 pesos (2000 DKK) and the transportation back and forth to Mazatlan is a little less than 2000 (1000 DKK).
So in all this is 3000 DKK. With moving and everything this is too much for his family, and for me and Lupita it's also a lot, so i hope that someone wants to help him getting to Mazatlan. We see it as a really good investment for his future in this time where he has to choose what path he wants to follow in life..
So please, if you want to help Paul getting to Mazatlan write me, and i can send you my danish bank info or paypal info. Even if it's just 50 DKK, everything counts :) You can reach me at lars.borty@gmail.com
Lupita's creatively decorated wall by her bed with photos we printed :) |
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