Thursday, July 26, 2012

The start of a new family

It has been some time since my last post on this blog. This is because i recently changed my Facebook status to married, and since then I've been learning what it means that we now have our own little family. It's a process i'm sure will take many years but so far it has been amazing.
Right in front of Zocolo, the heart of Mexico City,
walking in a huge crowd of people.

but well, I'll try to write about what has been going on the last month.

The wedding
We got married the 30th of June and it was amazing. We had my parents and brothers from Denmark, some friends from the states and some of Lupita's family from Chiapas, so people came from far away. We got married in a church we knew well (I lived there for a month during my outreach) and that always have been good to us. After the ceremony we were supposed to take pictures but luckily we did that before because it started raining a lot. So we just went with my brothers and Lupita's bridesmaids to a little cafe near the place of the reception that started at 18:00. The reception went well with a lot of speaches. The evening ended with everyone spontaniously dancing with we hadn't planned with but it was fun and after that Lupita and I went across the street to a hotel where some friends had put our honeymoon baggage in our room.The next day took the 1½ hour plane ride to Puerto Vallerta where we spend 2 amazing weeks in a small hotel near the beach.

We're really thankful for all the people who helped make it an amazing day and i'm also greatful for all the gifts and congratulations from Denmark :)

The amazing view from our roof with hot tub and pool. We
had it almost to us selves since the small hotel only had 9
apartments and only a few other visitors when we
were there.

New apartment, new room
Orignialy we planned moving in to an apartment away from the base, but for different reasons we have ended up staying at the base. We recently as a base rented a new appartment right across from one of our others (now we have 3 in total) so Lupita and I have gotten a room there. We're the only ones living in there permanently along with a room mainly for when we have guest speakers but also other guests. The rest of the appartment is used as an office and classroom. We rented the appartment at a really good price because the condition was really bad, but we painted, put new floor and new toilet/sink, so now it's fine.

In the church listening to the preaching. We got married by
an American who is pastor in a Mexican church. He and his
Mexican wife also did our marriage counseling. They
were awesome.
How we ended up with that apartment is a little special. It started a little more than a month ago when we were praying about if we should get a new apartment. Then a few days later the couple right across our door called the landlady and said they were moving out in a few days, this was after 25 years in that appartment. When they left they took everything, even the power outlets so the place was in a bad condition, but this meant we could get it to a cheaper rent than the other apartments. So we took this sudden moving of the couple and considerably lower rent as a sign that we were supposed to get that one.

Paul in "Verano de Fuego"
In Paul's summer camp they have a mini outreach that is in
Puerto Vallerta, they arrived the day after we left there.
Lupita's little brother Paul is still on his summer camp and he is coming home this Saturday. We're really excited to hear all of his stories and about what he experienced. We have heard a little from him and it sounds like he is having a good time, also our friends in Mazatlan says he has been doing good. I didn't manage to gather all the money (3000 dkk) we needed to pay for his school and tickets, but luckily the base here offered to pay his tickets, which meant we had enough to pay the school.

So on the behalf of Paul we just want to thank everyone who gave money towards his summer camp. I know it has been an investment in his future, and we just pray that God will conteniue his work in him. We have heard from a friend on staff in the summer camp in Mazatlan that Paul wanted to do a DTS so we hope and pray that he will stay with that plan after he finishes his high-school.

Because of the chance of rain we decided to take the pictures before the ceremony. This meant that i would see Lupita before so her bridesmaids and my brothers wanted to make the first time i saw Lupita special. Therefore i was driven with a blindfold to the National Palace. So in the picture I'm standing blindfolded about to see her in the dress for the first time :)

(The national palace decided on the day to change their mind and not let us in. Luckily after 15 minutes of waiting and a few begging tears from one of Lupita's bridesmaids they gave in)